Jessica + Bob -E N G A G E M E N T-
Old G Fox Building - Marquee Events
Hartford, CT
Photographer: Troy Devolve 2nd Photographer/Assistant: Steffanie Devolve Blog Written By: Troy
I've been looking forward to this shoot since Jessica and I first spoke. I love rustic old barn weddings as much as the next photographer, but I would never pass on the chance to photograph a cityscape. Especially when the featured site is the super cool, Old G Fox building, with its retro roots, it screams mad men. I was stoked to tour around the building and its surroundings with one of the most down to earth couples I've had the pleasure of working with.
The sun was out and the skies were blue, but it was brisk outside to put it mildly, and that was before you factor in the breeze. I must say I was more than impressed with Bob's modeling skills! He would no sooner put his jacket on and I was asking him to take it off again for the next set of photos. Thanks for being such good sports Bob and Jessica! I'm sure it will be much warmer come July for the big day!
Bob mentioned when we first met how much he loved this mad men themed sofa picture I had done on a previous wedding. I think this retro lounge and white washed finish really plays into that look.
How many venues have a cool escalator?
My lovely assistant/wife wasn't really feeling this shot when I initially suggested it. But, finally came around when seeing the finished look.
I was feeling really bad at this point, it was really chilly outside with a good breeze going and we had been walking and shooting for a while. I was reluctant to suggest any more stops. I am so glad we did a few more outside though because they ended up being some of my favorites.
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